TSX-V: BMET   CDN$ 0.10 OTCQB: BMTLF   US$ 0.08 Gold:   US$ 2735.71/oz Copper:   US$ 4.62/lb

BeMetals Receives Further High-Grade Zinc and Precious Metal Drill Results from Borehole SM19-002 at Polymetallic South Mountain Project in Idaho

September 24, 2019

VANCOUVER, CANADA - BeMetals Corp. (“BeMetals” or the “Company”) (TSXV: BMET) (OTCQB: BMTLF) is pleased to announce further analytical drill results from its underground drill program at the Company’s high-grade South Mountain Zinc-Silver Project (“South Mountain” or the “Project”) in southwestern Idaho, U.S.A.  These recently received results represent the remaining two zones of high-grade mineralization from borehole SM19-002. The drilling program is ongoing with further mineralized zones from other boreholes under geological logging, sampling and laboratory analysis. Further borehole results are expected to be released in batches as they become available.


  • Borehole SM19-002: Zone 3 intersected 10.56 metres grading 11.42% Zinc (“Zn”), 123 grams per tonne (“g/t”) Silver (“Ag”), 4.43 g/t Gold (“Au”), 0.36% Lead (“Pb”), and 0.52% Copper (“Cu”)
  • Borehole SM19-002: Zone 2 intersected 3.78 metres grading 5.45% Zn, 145 g/t Ag, 8.39 g/t Au, 0.58% Pb, and 0.15% Cu
  • Borehole SM19-002: Zone 1 (Previously reported) intersected 10.51 metres grading 17.81% Zn, 226 g/t Ag, 2.41 g/t Au, 1.59% Pb, and 0.16% Cu

Note: ALS Global completed the analytical work with the core samples processed at their preparation facility in Reno, Nevada, U.S.A. All analytical and assay procedures are conducted in the ALS laboratory in North Vancouver, BC.  Reported widths are drilled core lengths as true widths are unknown at this time.

John Wilton, President, CEO and Director of BeMetals stated, “These additional results from zones 2 and 3 were pending at the time of the release of the zone 1 data from borehole SM19-002. They again confirm the high-grades associated with the polymetallic South Mountain deposit and emphasize the significant precious metal component to the mineralization. This hole has three significant zones of massive sulphide mineralization. Interestingly zones 2 and 3 returned even higher tenor gold grades, of 8.39 g/t over 3.78m and 4.43 g/t over 10.56m respectively, than zone 1.

Additionally zone 3 includes 0.52% copper over the same 10.56m interval as the high-grade zinc and precious metal mineralization. The copper appears dominantly present in the form of chalcopyrite. As the phase 1 drilling program continues our understanding of the potential mineral zonation will improve which could provide important vectors to the highest tenor zones within the deposit, and the targeting of further new zones of sulphides.

We are pleased by the efforts of our Project team based in Jordan Valley and Boise which have been providing effective delivery of the underground drilling program and efficient processing of the geological information.”


The main objective of the ongoing drill program at South Mountain is to test potential extensions to the mineralized zones and confirm the grade distribution of the current polymetallic mineral resource estimate. To date, the Company has completed eight underground boreholes for a total of approximately 684 metres of this 2,500-metre program. Table 1 below shows the full results available from SM19-002 and Table 2 provides the drill hole co-ordinates, azimuth and dip. The six remaining pending samples are related to the contact zone of the mineralization and not expected to contain significant metal values but their geochemistry could provide useful pathfinder data.

Borehole SM19-002 intersected significant zones of skarn mineral assemblages, including pyroxene and garnet, and the massive sulphide mineralization. The massive sulphide mineralization is hosted dominantly within the marble but is also developed at the contact with the skarn assemblage (See location figures 1 and 2). Importantly, the high-grade massive sulphide bodies at South Mountain, comprise the mineral resource at the Project and these occur as structurally controlled pipe-like bodies which plunge 40-50 degrees southwest within the host Laxey marble unit. The potential to expand and identify more of these high-grade massive sulfide zones remains open at depth and along strike.

Table 1. SM19-002 Drill Hole: Analytical and Assay Results

SM19-002: ZONE 3              
Sample ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Zn % Ag ppm
Au ppm
Pb % Cu %
559298 85.83 86.38 0.55 3.01 135.0 0.19 0.06 1.41
559299 86.38 86.69 0.30 4.90 428.0 0.40 5.63 4.18
559300 86.69 87.42 0.73 6.89 316.0 0.54 0.14 2.60
559301 87.42 88.04 0.62 0.05 10.7 0.03 0.01 0.01
559302 88.04 90.14 2.10 1.44 190.0 5.55 0.11 0.15
559303 90.14 91.82 1.68 0.03 59.3 2.78 0.03 0.01
559304 91.82 92.48 0.66 3.82 36.4 1.26 0.21 0.06
559305 92.48 94.00 1.52 30.00* 117.0 12.00 0.62 0.39
559307 94.00 95.10 1.10 30.00* 43.8 3.51 0.20 0.16
559308 95.10 95.59 0.49 18.75 77.9 5.70 0.22 0.38
559309 95.59 96.10 0.52 23.80 82.5 4.54 0.33 0.25
559311 96.10 96.39 0.29 23.30 74.9 5.76 0.35 0.24
Zone 3
85.83 96.39 10.56 11.42 123 4.43 0.36 0.52
SM19-002: ZONE 2              
Sample ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Zn % Ag ppm
Au ppm
Pb % Cu %
559294 67.85 69.80 1.95 1.89 69.4 0.95 0.30 0.05
559295 69.80 70.62 0.82 17.75 428.0 19.65 1.83 0.42
559296 70.62 71.63 1.01 2.28 61.8 13.60 0.10 0.12
Zone 2
67.85 71.63 3.78 5.45 145 8.39 0.58 0.15
SM19-002: ZONE 1              
Sample ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Zn % Ag ppm
Au ppm
Pb % Cu %
559273 39.44 43.28 3.84 Results Pending (Contact zone to mineralization)
559274 43.28 44.10 0.82
559275 44.10 46.88 2.77
559277 46.88 48.16 1.28 21.20 1055 4.80 6.49 0.22
559278 48.16 48.49 0.34 0.91 4 0.03 0.06 0.00
559279 48.49 50.14 1.65 18.25 98 1.42 0.51 0.17
559281 50.14 51.11 0.98 0.62 5.6 0.49 0.03 0.01
559282 51.11 51.66 0.55 2.80 91.8 0.77 0.73 0.14
559283 51.66 52.15 0.49 30.00* 112 2.23 2.50 0.10
559284 52.15 53.61 1.46 27.60 123 2.85 1.50 0.23
559286 53.61 54.38 0.76 30.00* 165 2.60 1.64 0.26
559287 54.38 56.11 1.74 18.40 155 1.70 0.81 0.26
559288 56.11 56.54 0.43 12.25 216 2.45 1.65 0.16
559289 56.54 57.39 0.85 14.65 97.9 5.57 0.42 0.15
Zone 1Composite 46.88 57.39 10.51 17.81 226 2.41 1.59 0.16
559290 57.39 60.05 2.65 Results Pending (Contact zone to mineralization)
559291 60.05 61.57 1.52
559292 62.21 63.61 1.40

Note: *Zinc grade determined at 30% as upper detection limit of Zn-OG62 procedure for high-grade zinc material.  Reported widths are drilled core lengths as true widths are unknown at this time. (Note: See details below in QA/QC section).

Figure 1: Plan View of the Sonneman & Laxey Levels, South Mountain Deposit, showing locations of rib-sampling, priority target zones, planned boreholes, and boreholes SM19-001 & SM19-002

Plan View of the Sonneman & Laxey Levels, South Mountain Deposit, showing locations of rib-sampling, priority target zones, planned boreholes, and boreholes SM19-001 & SM19-002

Figure 2: Long Section, looking northeast, showing locations of rib-sampling, priority target zones, planned boreholes, and boreholes SM19-001 & SM19-002

Long Section, looking northeast, showing locations of rib-sampling, priority target zones, planned boreholes, and boreholes SM19-001 & SM19-002

Table 2: Drill Hole Azimuth, Dip and Collar Co-ordinates

Hole ID Azimuth Degree Dip Degree Eoh Length
East (ft) North (ft) Elevation (ft)
SM19-002 138 -28 102.41 231,176 394,120 6,868


The project employs a rigorous QC/QA program that includes; blanks, duplicates and appropriate certified standard reference material. All samples are introduced into the sample stream prior to sample handling/crushing to monitor analytical accuracy and precision. The insertion rate for the combined QA/QC samples is 10 percent or more depending upon batch sizes. ALS Global completed the analytical work with the core samples processed at their preparation facility in Reno, Nevada, U.S.A. All analytical and assay procedures are conducted in the ALS facility in North Vancouver, BC. The samples are processed by the following methods as appropriate to determine the grades; Au-AA23-Au 30g fire assay with AA finish, ME-ICP61-33 element four acid digest with ICP-AES finish, ME-OG62-ore grade elements, four acid with ICP-AES finish, Pb-OG62-ore grade Pb, four acid with ICP-AES finish, Zn-OG62-ore grade Zn, four acid digest with ICP-AES finish, Ag-GRA21-Ag 30g fire assay with gravimetric finish.

The technical information in this news release for BeMetals, has been reviewed and approved by John Wilton, CGeol FGS, CEO and President of BeMetals, and a “Qualified Person” as defined under National Instrument 43-101.


South Mountain is a polymetallic development project focused on high-grade zinc and is located approximately 70 miles southwest of Boise, Idaho (see Figure 3). The Project was intermittently mined from the late 1800s to the late 1960’s and its existing underground workings remain intact and well maintained. Historic production at the Project has largely come from skarn-hosted and high-grade massive sulphide bodies that remain open at depth and along strike. According to historical smelter records, approximately 53,642 tons of ore have been mined to date. These records also indicate average grades; 14.5% Zn, 363.42 g/t Ag, 1.98 g/t Au, 2.4% Pb, and 1.4% Cu were realised.

The Project is largely on and surrounded by private surface land, and as such, the permitting and environmental aspects of the Project are expected to be straightforward. Permits are in place for underground exploration activities and BeMetals does not anticipate significant barriers to any future development at the Project.

Figure 3: Project Location Map

Project Location Map

Table 3. NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Statement for the South Mountain Project - April 1, 2019

Mineral Resources at 6.04% ZnEq Cut-off
Classification Zinc Equivalent Resource Contained Metal
Short Tons ZnEq lbs ZnEq % Zn lbs Zn% Ag oz Ag opt(g/t) Au oz Au opt(g/t) Pb lbs Pb % Cu lbs Cu %
x1000 x1000 x1000 x1000 x1000 x1000 x1000
Measured 63.2 22,200 17.57 14,700 11.64 237 3.745
(116 g/t)
4.0 0.063
(1.96 g/t)
600 0.483 700 0.566
Indicated 106.7 37,800 17.72 21,500 10.08 576 5.398
(168 g/t)
7.0 0.066
(2.05 g/t)
2,100 0.983 1,600 0.766
Measured + Indicated 169.9 60,000 17.66 36,200 10.66 813 4.783
(149 g/t)
11.0 0.065
(2.09 g/t)
2,700 0.797 2,300 0.692
Inferred 363.2 120,800 16.63 70,500 9.70 2,029 5.585
(174 g/t)
16.3 0.045
(1.49 g/t)
8,700 1.202 5,200 0.696
  1. The effective date of the mineral resource estimate is April 1, 2019. The QP for the estimate is Mr. Randall K. Martin of Hard Rock Consulting, LLC, is independent of BeMetals Corp.
  2. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Inferred mineral resources that are part of the mineral resource for which quantity and grade or quality are estimated on the basis of limited geologic evidence and sampling, which is sufficient to imply but not verify grade or quality and continuity. Inferred mineral resources may not be converted to mineral reserves. It is reasonably expected, though not guaranteed, that the majority of Inferred mineral resources could be upgraded to Indicated mineral resources with continued exploration.
  3. The mineral resource is reported at an underground mining cutoff of 6.04% Zinc Equivalent (“ZnEq”) within coherent wireframe models. The ZnEq calculation and cutoff is based on the following assumptions: an Au price of US$1,231/oz, Ag price of US$16.62/oz, Pb price of US$0.93/lb., Zn price of US$1.10/lb. and Cu price of $2.54/lb.; metallurgical recoveries of 75% for Au, 70% for Ag, 87% for Pb, 96% for Zn and 56% for Cu, assumed mining cost of US$70/ton, process costs of US$25/ton, general and administrative costs of US$7.50/ton, smelting and refining costs of US$25/ton. Based on the stated prices and recoveries the ZnEq formula is calculated as follows; ZnEq = (Au grade * 43.71) + (Ag grade * 0.55) + (Pb grade * 0.77) + (Cu grade * 1.35) + (Zn grade).
  4. Rounding may result in apparent differences when summing tons, grade and contained metal content. Tonnage and grade measurements are in imperial units.

About BeMetals Corp.

BeMetals' founding Directors include Clive Johnson, Roger Richer, Tom Garagan and John Wilton. BeMetals is a new base metals exploration and development company focused on becoming a significant base metal producer through the acquisition of quality exploration, development and potentially production stage projects. The Company is advancing both its early stage, tier one targeted, Pangeni Copper Exploration Project in Zambia, and its advanced high-grade, zinc-silver polymetallic underground exploration at the South Mountain Project in Idaho, USA. The Company’s growth strategy is led by our strong Board, key members of which have an extensive proven record of delivering considerable value in the mining sector through the discovery, construction and operation of mines around the world. The Board, its Advisors, and senior management also provide outstanding deal flow of project opportunities to BeMetals based upon their extensive network of contacts in the international minerals business.

On Behalf of BeMetals Corp.

"John Wilton"

John Wilton
President, CEO and Director

For further information about BeMetals please visit our website at www.bemetalscorp.com and sign-up to our email list to receive timely updates, or contact:

Derek Iwanaka
Vice President, Investor Relations & Corporate Development
Telephone: 604-609-6141
Email:    diwanaka@bemetalscorp.com  

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains "forward-looking statements" and “forward looking information” (as defined under applicable securities laws), based on management’s best estimates, assumptions and current expectations. Such statements include but are not limited to, statements with respect to the plans for future exploration and development of the South Mountain and Pangeni projects, and the acquisition of additional base metal projects.  Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "expects", "expected", "budgeted", "forecasts" , "anticipates" "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "aims", "potential", "goal", "objective", "prospective", and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "can", "could" or "should" occur.  These statements should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results.  Such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such statements, including but not limited to: the actual results of exploration activities, the availability of financing and/or cash flow to fund the current and future plans and expenditures, the ability of the Company to satisfy the conditions of the option agreements for the South Mountain Project and/or the Pangeni Project, and changes in the world commodity markets or equity markets. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The forward-looking statements and forward looking information are made as of the date hereof and are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.  The Company disclaims any obligation to revise or update any such factors or to publicly announce the result of any revisions to any forward-looking statements or forward looking information contained herein to reflect future results, events or developments, except as require by law. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and information. Please refer to the Company’s most recent filings under its profile at www.sedar.com for further information respecting the risks affecting the Company and its business.

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